pH IMBALANCE explores issues of remembrance, nostalgic affect and 'nostalgia for the future' - the desire to interact with and embrace a picture of a future self or selves envisioned in the past. The project uses A.I programs that rely on user defined text prompts to generate static and animated images. These prompts can include a variety of information such as artists and artistic styles or mediums, musicians and musical genres, as well as songs or lyrics that both impact and inspire. Specific to this project, text prompts also included quotes from the Remix Nostalgia essay, emotional states, and memories of the adult I imagined I would be when I was young. pH IMBALANCE is a series of vignettes that form a dialogue between my past, present and future self.

The project includes three (3) media objects; a movie poster, a video piece, and an album cover. Each object combines user generated & AI generated content to form an inter-connectivity that explores preconceptions and material memories that shape (Stillar, 2022: 8) to who I am/was/will be.

Please CLICK HERE for a full project description.

"Another life filled with parts

Circuit boards connecting hearts

Nostalgia for the future...

...Colliding minds, it's just a start

Feel the sparks, we're building art

It's the vertigo of freedom."

from Viktoria Modesta's song Prototype,

from the 2014 self-released album Counterflow


This image represents a time in my life where I wanted to be a graphic artist - designing posters for film and video as well as album artwork (explored below). Movies were a big part of my life and I wanted to create images as 'awesome' as some of the posters I collected in my youth. This image sets the stage for the themes and ideas that run throughout the works in this series.


OF OUR LIVES is an explorative audio-visual exchange (conversation) between my current self and my younger self musing over possibilities of becoming either an archaeologist or film director.

"... that which defines art: [is] the aesthetic - because art is not an object amongst others, at least not an object of knowledge (or not only an object of knowledge). Rather, art does something else. Indeed, art is precisely antithetical to knowledge; it works against what Lyotard once called the "fantasies of realism" (The Postmodern Condition 93). Which is to say that art might well be a part of the world (after all it is a made thing), but at the same time it is apart from the world. And this apartness, however it is theorised, is what constitutes art's importance."

(O'Sullivan, 2001: 125)


3HRDZ is a note for a future self that is rooted in a passion for album artwork of all formats.

3HRDZ represents oppositional forces - an ouroboros wherein image and sound remix present, past and future states, and new mixes become prospective resources with endless possibilities (Knobel & Lankshear, 2008: 26).

Audio for 3HRDZ linked below, via SoundCloud.

Using Format